
With ClickOnSite 2014, you are in for a treat!

With ClickOnSite 2014, you are in for a treat!

by | Jun 15, 2014?

For a good recipe to turn out right, you need quality ingredients, preferably a well-equipped kitchen, decent tools and most importantly, you need a talented chef and good kitchen staff. The same applies when it comes to developing quality software… You need innovative business ideas, a suitable working environment, the right technologies and frameworks and above all, you need a team of talented developers. As far as ideas are concerned, we are very creative at IT-Development, but we are also well aware of the need to remain focused. In this respect, we are free to make our own decisions thanks to the increasing use of technologies that offer us the flexibility and versatility we need. We have made a number of major changes to the way we work too. Scrum has replaced Waterfall and our programmers are delighted! We have moved our Slovak offices to a building that is every bit as modern as anywhere in the Silicon Valley, and is now home to THE TEAM! Just imagine 15 young women and men, with an average age of 29 and 44 years of combined studies, led by a seasoned veteran from the programming world and raring to go… The result is ClickOnSite 2014, a taste of things to come with the new product planned for March 2015. In the meantime, check out Olivier’s presentation of ClickOnSite 2014, it is an excellent vintage, well worth discovering.

How is ClickOnSite 2014 different to previous versions?

Since ClickOnSite was created, we have continued to develop new features that provide our customers with as many services as possible. We are committed to designing useful and practical functions that also ensure a return on investment. This new version of ClickOnSite is more interactive than ever before, going far beyond simply displaying data. The software has a whole new look to it and the improved interface is even more user-friendly.

What are the three key features in the new version?

The first feature is the snag list. It is designed to help our customers manage non-conformance issues on their sites more effectively.Often, different people receive issues submitted in a variety of formats, which makes it quite difficult to centralize information and monitor how issues are being solved. Our solution facilitates the collection, merging and use of such data. The second feature is directly related to the previous one and involves the upgrade of acceptance forms, making data collection much faster and intuitive. We have improved the data entry system, reduced the number of checkboxes and introduced a more concise overview of results. Users can now submit more information, including pictures, attachments or comments. Finally, our customers have greater freedom to manage their information, with the possibility to add, delete or modify form contents and checkpoints by themselves. The third feature is a mobile application enabling customers to submit issue reports directly onsite, during tests, rollout of sites or after maintenance.

What are the benefits for users?

For end users, ClickOnSite 2014 is simpler; data entry is easier and faster for a more effective overall result. This version provides greater autonomy to technical support teams, who can tailor report forms to suit their requirements.

What new developments are planned for the software?

We will be bringing out a brand new version of ClickOnSite in 2015. We will be keeping its current features but they will be made simpler, with tools adapted to offer even greater flexibility and enhanced customization options. Customers gain even more freedom to manage and update forms, add fields or even modify search criteria and data display options. The application will also be capable of interacting with other tools via API, enabling data exchanges and automatic updates. You will be hearing a lot more about ClickOnSite soon!