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Asset Management


Asset management is not the responsibility of a team member,
it is not about scanning bar codes either, and it is not about using an ERP.

Asset management is about capturing asset information as it changes throughout the entire asset life cycle.

Therefore, it is the work of everyone. Luckily using ClickOnSite provides
great results with no extra work for anyone, just a pain free responsibility sharing.

Key benefits

  • Allow reliable asset repository and asset localization

  • Increased control of your inventory

  • Assured compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

  • Improved data communication across your organization

  • Optimized ROI



Setting up a new point of control (increasing both telecom service providers’ Capex and Opex)
is not a project that management will be enthusiastic about.

However, what is the price of investing at most 40k€ into asset control (including consultancy)
compared to the consequences of that lack of asset control?

Our purpose is obviously not to compare your risk with such extreme situations,
but to promote controls, processes, proper tools that guaranty the sincerity of your records.


Asset repository

When our clients see it, they wonder why they had not done it before. After a deeper presentation, they understand that it is much more than just an Excel sheet. Getting there often involves a change in their processes, a better understanding of the asset management’s objectives if it does not require a radical change of philosophy.


ASN (Advance shipping notices)

Next to the physical receipt, the administrative receipt is a very important step of the asset tracking process. Requesting vendors top send an Advanced Shipping Notice prior to any delivery or installation will help operators to initialize each asset in the repository, including information such as the PO number, price and guaranty next to serial number and catalogue information.


Asset inventory/audit

No matter how effective your asset tracking solution is, assets will be moved without anyone updating ClickOnSite. Technicians will simply remove a TRX without notifying the asset manager. He will install it somewhere else or will simply forget it under his desk.
Therefore you should audit your network and database every year to ensure its accuracy. However, this objective is rarely reachable. So, we recommend that you audit each site every 3 years at least (1/3 of sites per year).
The cycle of your audits must be adjusted taking into account your number of sites and the size of your organization. If requested, ITD can easily supply you with an auditing provision.


Accuracy check

So far, you have only seen audit as a way to improve the completeness and accuracy of your asset repository.
In a later stage, it could be interesting to compare audit data with existing records and generate accurate statistics.


Asset recovery

End-to-end asset management implies that asset are disposed of properly. Using ClickOnSite allows the management of your reverse logistics including refurbishment, dismantling and disposal throughout scrapping or selling. It is particularly relevant to avoid the building up of an “unused equipment cemetery”.



For many years we advocated using the vendor’s serial number as a unique asset ID.
Our latest field experiences have led to a complete change of opinion because:

  • Not every vendor tags his products
  • Serial numbers are not unique among vendors
  • Serial numbers are not always accessible

Nowadays we advise owners to tag their assets a while before installation or right afterwards at the time of first inventory.


Data collection

Collecting audit data is made simple using ClickOnSite mobility applications (Windows mobile & Android). Users will first select their site, then the action to be performed, and the domain to audit (Ran, transmission, etc.). The next step is only about scanning tag numbers…
As one can guess, the result is better than pen and paper: it is simply accurate!

Functionality summary
asset management

  • Track and trace assets
  • Locate your assets with accuracy
  • Manage return stock and asset inventory
  • Open, execute and close refurbishment orders
  • Open, execute and close disposal orders
  • Track & trace sales of second-hand equipment