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After a chaotic year in 2020, the event industry is slowly recovering. Inspired by the GITEX in Dubai, the Mobile World Congress (MWC21) will take place in Barcelona from June 28 to July 1, in a hybrid format, allowing participants to meet in person.
The ITD team will be at the French Tech – Business France pavilion (Hall 1 stand E51) to present the latest ClickOnSite features and discuss your digitalization needs.

A tipping point in the European telecom market

According to TowerXchange’s latest report, the European tower market has hit its tipping point in 2020 with over 716,000 towers. The reason? A 5G race is becoming increasingly fierce, forcing MNOs and towercos to catch up with other territories (such as South Korea, the Middle East, and even the U.S.). To be more efficient, they have resigned themselves to accept colocation, redefine their passive infrastructure strategy and consider more M&A.

In this context, the need for digitization is becoming more and more pressing. For many of them, it even becomes essential. So let’s talk about it at MWC21.


A safe meeting place

To ensure a safe and secure environment for the world’s largest connectivity event, exceptional measures have been taken by the organizers and their partners.
Although entry to Spain is currently subject to conditions for all foreign nationals, an agreement has been signed between the GSMA and the Ministry of the Interior of the Spanish government. This agreement aims to authorize MWC21 participants, both visitors, and exhibitors, to attend the show with simple administrative formalities.
Of course, this measure will be in addition to the security plan published by the organizers. Based on the latest technology and scientific advice, this multi-layered approach will focus on prevention, protection, mitigation, monitoring, and maintenance of security.

Likewise, as an exhibitor, we guarantee maximum compliance with sanitary rules (flow organization, regular disinfection of stands, dematerialization of information, respect of barrier gestures, etc.).
In short, everything is in place to promote a safe face-to-face meeting… and we look forward to seeing you there!

Unable to travel? Keep in touch with My MWC

As a hybrid event, MWC21 will also be available digitally. All participants are invited to download the My MWC application to receive their electronic badge but also to visit the virtual booths, participate in the conferences, and exchange with their network, customers, and prospects.
Once again, we will be at your disposal to answer your questions and discuss your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us ?