Asset recovery: ITD launches new module of ClickOnSite

It-development is proud to announce the launch of ASSET RECOVERY, the last ClickOnSite module. Like every other modules (Network rollout projects, site management, O&M, events, finance etc.) the asset recovery module is a stand-alone piece of application that can be interconnected to other parts of the network management system for better operational efficiency.
Concretely, this new module features the receipt, stock and change of the status of any asset being brought back from site. It allows to follow refurbishment, RMA, dismantling and or scrapping of BTS, RBS, RNC, power supplies, rectifiers, telecom towers, shelters, and other telecom infrastructure product and network equipment.
Initially build for AllForSite, our sister company providing full supply chain turnkey service, this new module of ClickOnSite greatly contributes to telecommunication providers’ savings by giving a live status of all equipment in recovery. Thus, when they need stock replenishment, procurement and planning people only purchase items that are not available at large: neither in stock, nor in recovery.