ClickOnSite is hosting NetAct!

This was not a technological exploit but it proves that customers need IT service providers delivering complete solutions including software, servers, but also racks. “In our concept, we deliver configured and tested servers installed and cabled in a 19 inches cabinet” mentioned Olivier Lespinasse, in charge of customer support. “Logistics wise, we deliver the package by air on a shock pallet; the telecom operator just needs to connect it on a VPN to get started within less than 24h”. Likewise a standard version of ClickOnSite can be installed in any country less than 6 weeks after signature of a software agreement. For fast moving operators such as Orange, IT-Development even delivers a web version within 48 hours. It gives time for the rollout & RF managers to get acquainted with ClickOnSite even before servers’ delivery. This web based version also offers the possibility for users to request process fine tuning and small adjustments to have ClickOnSite perfectly fit their needs. “At the end of the day, what is important is the customer’s satisfaction” concluded Lespinasse, adding with a smile that “NetAct is always welcome in our racks”.