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2023 is another year of geopolitical and economic turbulence. But what about our telecom operators?

Following the pandemic from which they are gradually recovering, telecom operators are once again hampered.
However, they have been coping with the recent turbulence without counting on government support and collective resilience.

This month, Ernst and Young (E&Y) shared a detailed report on “The top ten risks for telecommunications in 2023“.
It’s a way for us to get a feel for the day-to-day threats we’ll face.
To do this, as last year, we’ve created a simple infographic summarizing current risks and possible solutions.

The analysts have broken down the report into four main categories:
Strategic threats related to customers, employees, and investors.
Financial threats are arising from the cost-of-living crisis, ecosystems, and corporate investments.
Operational threats impacting infrastructures, systems, and the company’s global value chain.
Compliance threats arise from policy and new regulations in certain countries.