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In 2015, we made the decision to change technology and start from scratch. Among the initial findings, we identified the need to develop or modify ClickOnSite quickly. It was obvious to us that the tool would be easier to use if we created drag-and-drop functions, process flows, and various other visual tools. Now it’s done! And the results are there…

The agile method: a key point

Over the last few years, our implementation delays have been divided, on average, by three. The flexibility offered by ClickOnSite V2 has also enabled us to bring an agile method to the heart of our deployments. The consequences? More transparency and customization.

The benefits of low-code

However, what was initially motivated by cost and efficiency criteria, soon became a great opportunity to increase customer engagement. Thanks to low-code, we can now anticipate users’ needs, such as 5G, or versioning of radio configurations. Instantly, we eliminate the difficulties which usually hinder software adoption. In addition, we devote more time to change management, limiting user impact.

An increased level of support

Freed from technological constraints, we have been able to put the user at the center of our attention. From now on, our support is no longer limited to post-implementation. It often starts before the process, when the customer begins to define their needs and frame the initial scope of the project. That support continues during Sprint 0, when we set up the prerequisites and governance of the project on both sides. Then, during the actual implementation, a Steering Committee ensures the project runs smoothly and those objectives are achieved.

The support of our teams is also appreciated by companies at the time of the tests. Here, scenarios are drawn up throughout the analysis and configuration of ClickOnSite right up to its implementation. Upon deployment, an essential phase for the adoption of the software begins. This is a running-in phase, in which ITD supports users in their daily tasks. At this point, we identify and fulfill training needs, and we promptly answer their requests for adjustments and changes. This period is quick and easy since several training sessions (initial, key users, pre-launch) are provided by our new entity dedicated to training. They will also assist users throughout their ClickOnSite experience thanks to ongoing training content (such as webinars, tutorials, e-learning).

Jerome Perret, CEO of ITD said:

This awareness is not new, but our recent successes, such as our fundraising, or signatures with several leading mobile network operators, have helped us make adoption a priority for 2020. In addition, we are allocating a budget for adoption that is growing significantly over the years.