GDPR and data security: The basics for the telecoms industry

GDPR and data security: The basics for the telecoms industry

In telecom software editing, security and GDPR compliance have become strategic priorities. To explore these crucial issues, our CISO Fred Belemba discussed the structuring and formalizing of security processes. CISO: a key role in the organization As a specialist,...
The top 10 risks facing operators in 2023 [Infographic]

The top 10 risks facing operators in 2023 [Infographic]

2023 is another year of geopolitical and economic turbulence. But what about our telecom operators? Following the pandemic from which they are gradually recovering, telecom operators are once again hampered.However, they have been coping with the recent turbulence...
Lessons learned from the OVH datacenter destruction

Lessons learned from the OVH datacenter destruction

A week ago, the impossible, the unimaginable just happened. The OVH Data Center in Strasbourg burned down! Fortunately, no one was injured but, for sure, some businesses will not recover, and OVH will suffer the consequences for years. Indeed, we believe that this...
The Build vs Buy Software Decision

The Build vs Buy Software Decision

The decision whether to build your own IT/enterprise software solution vs buy commercial software (ex. ClickOnSite) is a classic dilemma every technology company faces. There is no single answer that works for every situation and there are many opinions on the subject...